The End of the Year
So, it's over. Time for the clearing of the closets. Some time to drop our emotional baggage and try to undo some of the damage that's piled up over an entire year. Boo, boo on that year I say. Bye bye grade 11, I can't think that I'll miss you. Of course, there will be people to miss. Jenny est disparue, mais hopefully I'll be seein her. Megan's leaving until August, with Hayley, Laura and Sara to join her shortly. Everyone's suffering from the void that school left behind. Trying to fill it seems like a daunting task. Still looking for a job, and finding nothing but discouragement. It's so amazing how emotions have such a profound impact on the way you view things. For example, this window has been open for around an hour while I puttered around and tried to figure out what to say. Now that I look back at what I have said already, I wonder where it came from. I can no longer connect with that moment, with that emotion, that mindset. And, on top of that, the impact that a few words, a person, a song can have on the emotions you view the world through. In a way, feelings are like stained glass windows; you still see reality, but it's in the colour of that emotion. It's fascinating. Trying to imagine things from different emotions is really interesting too. I'm always trying to look at things from different perspectives, it's one of my hobbies, so I find it amusing anyway. I really need a camera, I find that I'm always looking for what would be the best angle for a photo, etc. Hmm... what will I do over the summer. Chris, you had better get your ass up here! I'll probably, work excluded, read (I'm hoping to discover a whole bunch of new writers and books this summer), STUDY JAPANESE (seeing as how I really did not retain anything from this year, bloody Endo), watch movies (searching out new animes, movies, etc.), SEE LOTS OF FRIENDS (I'm getting really tired of sitting around all summer, so I've decided to learn to ride my bloody bike), channel some creativity as opposed to sitting around and marvelling at the ideas that I get and not bother doing anything about them (this probably entails drawing and painting, perhaps designing some new manga/characters, writing a whole bunch since I won't be sick of writing from school, hopefully taking some photos), hopefully blog a lot more & hopefully have a lot of people reply on my blog. I think I might make up a list of everything I want to do with my life, or have wanted to do and start checking them off. Seems like a good idea to get what I want to do accomplished.