Saturday, August 28, 2004

hosting "ambassadors"
What should I do with the kid!?
(the kid refers to my friend motonari, and I'm just looking for ideas for what to do with him while he's here.)


also, I've changed addresses again no NOT because of what you said, so update your links or favourites or just re-memorize it. it's been changed on my msn profile and dan's blog anyway. also, courtesy of Dan the techno Man, that horrible blogger ... thing at the top of the site is dead, and I have links. And then I followed Dan's example and started a music, etc. link thing. near the bottom on the left. so you know.

edit 2:
AND I hate Billy Corgan.
careful billy... your inner fucktard is showing.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Songs I like . A lot. (in no particular order)
the pool
3 libras
bells for her
emu for my dear
to sheila
all apologies
get me away from here I'm dying
paint pastel princess
blister in the sun
it's not up to you
song for eric
if she wants me
ana's song
angie (tori version)
my dream girl don't exist
emotion sickness

drive ins and irritation
I. am pissed off. I don't really mind being treated like shit. Hell, I think I've demonstrated this a hell of a lot of times. However, when it comes to my friends and guests being treated like shit also, I fucking take offense.

And now I am no longer angry. Thank god for writing things out.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

me; Posted by Hello

tori thanks to Posted by Hello
Webs woven around the sound, rippling on the lake and dropping somewhere on this leaf, this one right here, where we had been speaking until now.

song for eric

i wait all day for my sailor and sometimes he comes

see you over hill and dale
riding on the wind i see
you know me, you know me like the nightingale
"oh fair maiden, i see you standing there"
will you hold me for just a fair time
the tune is playing in the fair night
i see you in my dreams
fair boy your eyes haunt me...

by tori

I should stop staying up so late. I should stop being so superficial. I should apparently stop mentioning anything about bands I like on MY OWN SITE. I should start drawing again. I should start caring more. I should stop being lazy. I should be more creative. I should walk more and be driven less. I should be a more kind person. I should clean my bathroom. I should speak in clearer terms. I should allow myself to fall from time to time. I should stop side-stepping my own conscience. I should become more aware of my surroundings. I should pay more attention to the feelings of those around me. I should be more responsible. I should accept good will in all it's forms. I should cleanse my head of insecurities. I should reach out. I should be a leader. I should ....sleep