danger high voltage
I couldn't think of too much to say, so I rested my head in my hand an looked out the window at the sky. I closed my eyes for a minute, and my eyes re-arranged their position. When I opened them, I noticed that in a corner of the room, a part of the wall normally covered by junk, close to the moulding there was a very small cutout piece from a magazine stuck in between the moulding and the wall. It says 'is likely to be', and I am taking it, as usual, as a sign about something. I have decided it means I will be accepted to U of T.
Today I am sick. My bowels are quite cross with me for reasons unknown, that could include any of the following: too much lipid-heavy food, too much stupid intra-familial stress, too many milk products, too much sleep or too little sun. In any case, I slept nicely until about 2 in the afternoon, a habit that will be shattered quite thoroughly in the coming week. I'm starting at Starbucks this Monday for anyone who doesn't know yet.
And, there is something very good about androgeny.
[Edit: And on that topic... some random christian writings I found on the topic]
"For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire towards one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error" (portions of Romans 1:21-27).
This passage outlines the systematic breakdown of sex roles and the entire family structure itself - a structure which God designed to be the foundation of a healthy society. In a culture where men have rejected God's government and refused to submit to His moral requirements, a process of decay is set in motion. This moral entropy begins in the minds of men; as God's enlightening presence and protective influence is withdrawn, a pall of intellectual confusion settles over the society as a whole.
This intellectual depravity, as it progresses in intensity, brings about a twisting and a perverting of all that is natural and normal. And if we interpret Paul's comments to the Romans correctly, it would appear that sexual habits and roles are the ultimate target of this cultural bone rot process. When a society has divorced itself from God, the final result will be that men stop being men, women stop being women, and the institutions of marriage and family are destroyed.
(*I disagree 1)
This revolt does not begin with homosexuality. The large-scale breakdown of marriage in this country tends to parallel with the publication of Playboy magazine and the philosophy that it began to promote in the 1950s. Hugh Hefner's revolution encouraged men to leave the confines of marital fidelity under the guise of male sexual expression. But adultery is actually a revolt against masculinity and the natural male function, because it, and the resulting divorce, actually removes men from their primary role of husband, father and family provider.
Once men have rejected marriage, the door is then opened for the onslaught of homosexuality. Children no longer have a genuine male role model in the home, and this lack of a strong father figure completes the cycle of perversion: the young sons are sent out on a desperate search for the masculinity they never found by natural means, and the wounded daughters find it forever difficult to respect men when they reach adulthood.
(*I disagree again 2)
Returning to pro-family policies will not be easy. It will require real men to stand up in the public arena to challenge the anti-gender activists. It will demand real women to defend the paramount role of traditional motherhood. But we cannot sit idly by while the social scientists plan America's sexual suicide. The culture which refuses to acknowledge and honor the differences between the sexes will neuter itself, and ultimately fade away into a childless oblivion.
(*I disagree again 3)
' ~ Lee Grady http://www.forerunner.com/forerunner/X0229_Culture_of_Androgeny.html
1 - Irregardless of societal tendencies, I don't think that men can fundamentally stop being men, nor women stop being women. I think that it's stupid to think that because, in all of the ages leading up to this one, 'marriage' meant this and 'family' meant that, those concepts can't change. That sounds a lot like a culture of fear, and not somewhere I'd want to live.
2 - This is completely biassed and foolish sounding. First of all, my father's divorce or 'rejection of marriage' didn't lead to him becoming a homosexual. I simply cannot agree that the moment the definition of marriage changes, trophy moms turn dyke and business men dump their wives for bouncy queers. I think that this change would, in fact, only be a change to recognize a group of people that have always been present, not a radical new faction of people bent on the destruction of society as we know it. And I think it is absolutely and unforgiveably foolish to say that gay men can't be good fathers, and I think that the reverse is far more common ; a father raises a boy with absolutely no attention paid to emotional needs, so the boy grows up always searching for a male figure who will respond to those needs. And most girls that I know don't have any problems respecting homosexual males. I also like how they completely ignore the existence of lesbians throughout the article, and instead make it appear that the women in fact just magically transform into men.
3 - This is more bullshit. I don't think that the drive to reproduce is somehow diminished in homosexual people, only that the pieces don't match the job anymore. This article is a good example of that strange (in my opinion) conservative idea that only chicks who like to starch their husbands suits and embroider all day long sitting around at home are the 'real women'. I don't think I even need to comment in response. To add, I don't think a reduction in the rate of child production would really do any harm. In fact, I think it's the more viable of the two opinions. Again, it's written with the adoption of that 'go forth and multiply, even if it results in the covetting of thy neighbour's property or the eventual destruction of the planet that gives you sustenance' mindset that is to me so daunting.
And, for added food for thought: since when does androgeny = homosexuality? Hm? Hm?
Friday, February 11, 2005
Monday, February 07, 2005
pictures of you
I got some advice in a dream this morning. I was flying around a giant mall, and I went to hover over an escalator and accidentally cut off a twenty-something year old girl. She was strawberry blonde and her hair curled slightly near the bottom. I had earlier been having some fun cutting off girls who seemed snobbish, but I felt a pang of guilt after almost running into this one.
'I'm sorry,' I said, half-turning in mid air. 'That was a bit rude of me, wasn't it.'
She seemed to slightly appreciate the gesture, and the muscles in her face calmed a bit. Then the corners of her lips turned up slightly, and she replied:
'There's no such thing as rude, it's just that sometimes it's not your song.'
I got some advice in a dream this morning. I was flying around a giant mall, and I went to hover over an escalator and accidentally cut off a twenty-something year old girl. She was strawberry blonde and her hair curled slightly near the bottom. I had earlier been having some fun cutting off girls who seemed snobbish, but I felt a pang of guilt after almost running into this one.
'I'm sorry,' I said, half-turning in mid air. 'That was a bit rude of me, wasn't it.'
She seemed to slightly appreciate the gesture, and the muscles in her face calmed a bit. Then the corners of her lips turned up slightly, and she replied:
'There's no such thing as rude, it's just that sometimes it's not your song.'