"And I said, 'I pray you, show me which is the tree which caused Adam to stray.'
And the angel said, 'It is the vine which the angel Samael planted by which the Lord God became angered, and he cursed him and his planting. For this reason he did not permit Adam to touch it. And because of this the devil became envious, and tricked him by means of his vine.'" - 3 Baruch 4:8 (Greek)
"And during the transgression of the first Adam, she gave light to Samael when he took the serpent as a garment, and did not hide, but on the contrary, waxed." - 3 Baruch 9:7 (Greek)
I've always found religions fascinating... well more that religion, myth I suppose is my real interest. I don't so much find practice interesting, as the places where man and his surroundings intersect.
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